Roxx nol 1995
Roxx nol 1995

KRT3, KRT12, DSG1, PAX6, ADH7, and ALDH1A1 mRNA expressions were higher in LECs and magnitudes higher in pCECs compared to HCE-T cells. Additionally, KRT3, KRT12, DSG1, and PAX6 protein levels were analyzed with Western blot. HCE-T cell line was purchased from RIKEN Institute RCB-2280.Expression levels of conjunctival- and corneal-specific keratin and adhesion markers (KRT3, KRT12, KRT13, KRT19, DSG1), stem cell and differentiation markers (PAX6, ABCG2, ADH7, TP63, ALDH1A1), and additional (unvalidated) putative differentiation and stem cell markers (CTSV, SPINK7, DKK1) were analyzed with qPCR. Primary limbal epithelial cells (LECs) for cell culture and primary corneal epithelial cells (pCECs) as differentiated tissue samples were obtained from the limbus or central cornea region of corneal donors. This is necessary in order to decide whether HCE-T cells could be a tool to study the differentiation process and its regulatory networks in corneal epithelium. In this study, we want to compare the expression of differentiation markers in the HCE-T cell line to differentiated primary epithelial cells (pCECs) and primary limbal epithelial cell (LEC) culture. If these differentiation mechanisms are disturbed, it will lead to ocular surface disease. The differentiation of (limbal) corneal epithelial into mature corneal epithelium coincides with the expression of established differentiation markers. Human corneal epithelial cell-transformed (HCE-T) cell line is used as a widely accepted barrier model for pharmacological investigations in the context of eye application.

Roxx nol 1995